From the Editor
This issue finds longtime Lynch’s Ferry contributor Douglas McLeod hiking in the woods around Monacan Park in Amherst County, searching for artifacts. In addition to spotting two unusual evergreen trees, he stumbles across “the rusted housing of an electric generator that once provided lights and power for light-duty appliances.” McLeod does more than correctly identify the dilapidated contraption, he knows who it belonged to, as well as when and why it was purchased. It’s just another part of his search to learn more about the “Riverside” mansion and resort that once occupied the site.
Mrs. E. Alban Watson had a similar knack for pairing long-lost objects with their original owners. And she would often follow through by acquiring those antiques and returning them to their proper historic homes. Her efforts piqued the interest of the IRS and merited a thank-you card from President
Mrs. E. Alban Watson had a similar knack for pairing long-lost objects with their original owners. And she would often follow through by acquiring those antiques and returning them to their proper historic homes. Her efforts piqued the interest of the IRS and merited a thank-you card from President
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