Fall 2015

From the Editor


Crossing Boundaries: The Pioneering Career of Dr. Peter W. Houck

by James W. Wright
“Peter Houck chafed at convention,” explains the author. However, the attitude and behavior that initially had Houck walking penalty tours at Virginia Military Institute later matured into a compassionate, activist stance that altered the scope and delivery of medical care in Central Virginia. In this sweeping, lively tribute, Jim Wright captures the “volatile mixture of curiosity, creativity, and openness to new ideas” that drove Houck’s distinguished career.

Forgotten Faces

By Peter Houck with illustrations by Peyton W. Baber
Dr. Houck’s inner-city patients presented him with challenges that went far beyond the confines of the examination room. “As a medical clinician,” he wrote,” it is important to understand their social situation so that I can do my job a little better. Having done that for the past three years, I find I have changed. Early on I felt pity and frustration. Those feelings have now given way to admiration and respect.”

“Somehow History Does Survive”: Peter Houck’s Contributions to Central Virginia’s Historical Legacy

By Thomas G. Ledford
“It is my task to portray the many facets of Houck’s career as an historian and preservationist,” says Ledford. And he succeeds. This article, written by the first administrator of the Lynchburg Museum System, takes readers on an engaging “walking tour” of Houck’s career, starting at Bear Mountain and concluding at Historic Sandusky.

Indian Island in Amherst County | Chapter VI | William Johns

by Peter W. Houck and Mintcy D. Maxham
In the prologue to his book Indian Island, Houck wrote: “Perhaps it should bother us that these Indian descendants are disappearing into society after their years of glory, torment, and recovery. See if you agree. Take a trip with me to Bear Mountain to see if an impulsive trip to the Mission is worth it.”

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